Monday 12 May 2014


For me, the Tuesday performance was the best. I think the energy was up due to adrenaline. However, Wednesdays audience laughed a lot more at the right parts because they knew what was supposed to be funny.

The confidence in our characters had definitely grown, especially in Ryan Long's  and Jay's.
Megan sang the song, which was really good and I'm glad we put the song back in because it was a nice little break from the play.
The organisation and teamwork was good because behind the set everyone knew were the card was for projection and costumes and we helped each other out behind the set
The projection was a nice touch because, it's more interesting than a picture being thrown up onto a screen, it's a lot more textured when it's projected on the card and more story telling more then lecturing.
A couple of us where also louder and had better diction on the night.
The gunshots worked and where effective.
The transistions where smoother especially doing the card for projection.

Some lines where missed in rehersals, however, none where missed on the night.
The dances could have definitely been tighter but I think we did well considering some of us aren't dancers and have no dancing background
Some of us need to be quieter behind stage as there was a lot of whispering
We need to consider pace, such as entrances and exists- do you come on saying the line or wait til you're in position then say your lines. I think in this type of play, you should come on saying lines as the play is strong and goes at quite a fast pace.
A few technical issues happened, but they were accidents such as the music playing again because the volume was up

Overall, both performances went really well with both audiences. I still think Tuesday was the best that we have done it.